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The Tips for Use Industrial Endoscopes Safety

Published by sinowares August 26,2020

From the name we know the role of industrial endoscopes in the industrial field. There are many kinds of endoscopes. The most common ones are medical endoscopes. In industrial production, industrial endoscopes make our production more perfect. The correct use is what we must do. Let's look at it.

When using an industrial endoscope, move the cursor to the left half of the screen where you want to place it. The measurement accuracy depends entirely on the correct placement of all cursors. To ensure accuracy, press the key and a close-up zoom window will appear around the dynamic cursor on this image. When you move each cursor, the matching cursor will move on the right half of the screen at the same time. When the pointer match occurs, check whether the pointer matches.

Industrial endoscopes use safety tips

1. Keep the area clean and illuminated;

2. It is forbidden to use the endoscope in the flammable and explosive environment.

3. It is forbidden to use the endoscope in some areas that may contact the wires or charged objects. The metal exposed by the tool may cause electric shock.

4. It is forbidden to use the endoscope near the moving device;

5. It is forbidden to use the endoscope in high temperature environment;

6. It is forbidden to expose the endoscope to rain or moisture.

The above content is the common use techniques and selection techniques of industrial endoscopes. Nondestructive testing requires the use of industrial endoscopes as inspection tools, and is designed and manufactured to meet the complex industrial use environment. Endoscopy is a detection technology that has been widely used in recent years with the development of endoscopic manufacturing technology.

Sinowares specializes in the production of endoscopes for 17 years. The endoscopic metal detector deviation can be controlled within 0.6mm to solve various technical design difficulties.