Company News

Double safety design concept of microwave ablation puncture needle

Published by sinowares August 26,2020

Microwave ablation needle, a metal microneedle with a diameter of about 1MM, minimally invasive and human body targeted methods for pathogenic treatment, regardless of the foreign overall structure, or the domestic design structure, in the double-layer safety protection of the needle, are single Protection, its structure in the early stages of design and clinical trials, can be lucky, but in the mass production and surgery after the market, after many doctors and designers communicate, there are many security concerns, of course, this Kinds of concerns are not groundless

For the concept of double safety standards, the SINOWARES team has the following suggestions. Everyone chooses carefully and welcomes the online and offline ditch communication.
1. The concave point is back to the card type (we use excessively large concave points and carry out safety secondary interference protection),
2, the appearance of repeated test (weld assembly, we design the next side of the welding interference at its edge)
3, card interference type (the structure can only have a great effect on the torsion)
4, groove extrusion type (the structure can be slightly involved, does not affect the residual liquid hanging situation, is a good guarantee)

5, double welding mirror type (after welding, without the need for surface treatment interference, to achieve a superior state of consistency)

In fact: As for the above suggestions, the design structure of each of you should not be too complicated. The key links should be strictly required. The ultimate goal is any design. The starting point is that the stability at the time of manufacture is controllable, and the safety is controllable during use. It guarantees safety and provides a very good foundation for the continuous use of the company's products.