Industry News

Great Development of China Medical Equipments Industry

Published by sinowares August 26,2020

    China's medical device industry has developed rapidly in recent years. Experts and scholars at home and abroad gathered in Kunming, China - South Asia, Southeast Asia Medical Cooperation Forum and Kunming Health International Summit Forum on medical equipment related issues to discuss.

    "China's medical equipment is still in a primary quantitative development period, a large number of enterprises, small economies." State Food and Drug Administration Director of Medical Device Registration Division Gao Guobiao said that China has a medical device manufacturers 15838, of which The output value of less than 20 million enterprises accounted for nearly 90%.

    "Medical equipment industry development space is very large." Gao Guobiao said that medical equipment is the rapid development of health industry industry, and for many years in the medical industry to maintain the top three industries. "2016 China Medical Device Industry Development Blue Book" shows that in 2016 the total size of China's medical device market is about 370 billion yuan, compared with 2015 annual growth of 308 billion yuan of 62 billion yuan. Among them, the medical medical device market is about 269 billion yuan, accounting for 72.70%; home medical device market breakthrough 100 billion yuan mark, about 101 billion yuan, accounting for 27.30%.

    Blue Book also pointed out that with the health of China 2030, China made 2025 as a national strategy to promote the overall development of China's medical device industry was a healthy trend. In the medical equipment supervision, China has established the State Administration of Taxation, the provincial bureau, the bureau, county bureau four administrative system, in the management system, the medical device industry began to medical imaging equipment, medical robots, minimally invasive treatment Implanted products, genetic testing products and other areas of development. Gao Guobiao that the aggregation of science and technology and capital concentration is the future of the medical device industry from the big and stronger key, make good use of clinical sample advantages and the establishment of large data analysis is to lead the product upgrade, industry breakthrough development power source, system innovation and evaluation ability is to enhance the product Safe and effective, and promote the development of the industry an important guarantee.

    Gao Guobiao introduction, the next step will focus on the reform of medical equipment clinical trial management to speed up the clinical need for medical equipment review and approval to support the rare disease medical equipment research and development, to strengthen the life cycle management of medical equipment to enhance the technical support capacity to speed up the pace of upgrading our medical equipment.

    For medical device suppliers, to develop a huge potential of the primary medical device market, after-sales service is the key. For the primary medical device market, in the purchase of large-scale medical equipment, mainly focus on several aspects, one is to focus on the function of the system, that is to say a device to meet the diverse needs of the function; Second, Stability, the requirements to ensure continuous operation; Third, input and output than to maximize, with less cost to get the highest value, the fourth is to protect the service, at present, the primary medical institutions without professional maintenance personnel, The need for suppliers to provide comprehensive after-sales service, which is the most basic needs of primary health care institutions.

    Therefore, medical equipment suppliers in order to develop primary health care market, after-sales service must keep up, so as to develop the primary health care market. At present, there is a favorable condition in the maintenance of medical device products is now able to achieve network synchronization, business operators to guide the maintenance of medical institutions, but if the hardware is a problem, the supplier still need to field maintenance. Medical equipment suppliers must improve the after-sales service system, in order to really open the primary medical device market.