Company News

The Design and development of Medical Surgical tools

Published by sinowares August 26,2020

Medical surgical tools: Doctors are often accustomed to using tools with surgery to achieve successful operation of an important means of success, but the demand of various non-standard surgical tools, doctors according to their own surgical habits, often customized The subject of personalized surgical tools,

    In general, when we customize the surgical tools, we subconsciously construct our own needs based on observation and reference, and design unique tools for practical use under the assurance of the factory process. Custom tools need those steps?

1, according to the reference appearance, reference sample, find the design company to design the structure and appearance

2, analysis of the need for materials, materials must ensure compliance with medical standards

3, to create a prototype for testing, do not rush to open the mold, not because of the design plan errors caused by the development costs increase

4, Appearance Feel a few functions of the initial test

5, the product qualified for the record clinical

6, product drawing finishing control

7, the source of material stability agreement

8, ISO13485 manufacturing system manufacturing quality control management

9, product listing